Each year, the summers seem to go faster. My mom always said that when I was young, but I just didn't get it! Now, I do!! While summers are full of opportunities to Sharpen the Saw by traveling, visiting extended family, reading a treasured book, and spending at least a couple mornings sleeping in, our teachers and staff have also been hard at work.
During the summer, all of our classrooms and areas of the school are thoroughly cleaned, floors are stripped and waxed, and many rooms are moved from one hallway to another. Information is being moved within our systems for our students to rise up to that next grade level (which takes a lot of behind the scenes work), and teachers are preparing their hearts, classrooms, and lessons for the sweet faces that will join them this fall.
With our Leader in Me initiative, our students are on a Leadership journey while teachers and staff step back and let them lead! As students are learning more about the 7 Habits, they are becoming leaders of themselves, by goal setting, planning how to reach their goals, thinking about others, and how to work collaboratively. They are developing skills to help them be successful with these areas and much more. We are working side-by-side with families to grow our Scouts so they can reach their fullest potential during their few years with us!
The excitement that fills the halls of schools at this time of year is indescribable. I am honored to be doing what I love and love what I am doing!